Sunday, October 27, 2013

Figuring Things Out

Education is changing at a rapid rate and many times it can be overwhelming for the students and the teachers.  One thing is for sure, students need to be using technology to create presentations and demonstrate their learning.  This week all of the students will be using some sort of technology to demonstrate their learning:  Glogster, Popplet, Microsoft Word or SMART Notebook.  They will also use technology as a tool to access information for research:  Thinglink, Edmodo, School Tube, Popplet and this website.

   Announcements for the Week (10/27-11/1)

This week the students return to Spectra, 3rd grade on Tuesday and 2nd grade on Thursday.  We have library on Wednesday.  I am out Wednesday for a Common Core writing meeting for 3rd grade and Mrs. Adams will be my substitute.  Finally, there will not be any school on Friday.  The teachers have professional development for a portion of the day.  

This week also brings Halloween and the students have been excitedly explaining their costumes and family traditions they have around the holiday.  If you think about it please email a picture of them dressed in the costumes, I love seeing them!

Finally, Castlio is celebrating Red Ribbon Week!  Each day has a special theme, Monday is wear red day!  It's perfect in honor or our Cardinals playing their final game  (hopefully) to win the World Series! The counselors are collecting items for the Humane Society during Red Ribbon Week, cleaning supplies, animal treats and toys.  If you are interested in donating please send your items in this week.  

Have a super week!
Weekly Newsletter

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Welcome to my new website!

I am very excited to debut my new class website!  This will allow me to showcase student work more effectively, integrate the flipped classroom in one place and have all our class needs in one place!  I am hopeful to add to the site regularly what students are doing, working on and even daily projects.