Sunday, November 17, 2013

Castlio Elementary is a community of generous families.  This week Student Council is selling turkey feathers for .50 each.  Each classroom has a featherless turkey until the students purchase turkey feathers to clothe the class turkey.  It's a fun event for the kids to see their class turkey grow exponentially throughout the week with the feathers they have purchased.  The best part of this event is the money-raised purchases Christmas gifts for needy children through the Toys for Tots program. 

Announcements this week:
The third grade students will switch their Spectra day with the fifth graders this week.  The fifth grade students have a special event-taking place on Tuesday; therefore we changed days to accommodate their event.  

All students have library on Wednesday.

The second graders will have Spectra on Thursday.

Finally, the last week of November is short to allow celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday.  There will be no school on November 27th, 28th or 29th.  Hopefully, you will have a time of celebration with family and friends.  

Smores Class Newsletter

Friday, November 8, 2013

There are exciting happenings taking place over the next couple of weeks at Castlio. First we have the Veteran's Day Pancake celebration on Monday, November 11th from 5:00-7:00. The Turkey Teacher drive taking place the week of the 18th. For the Turkey Teacher Drive students bring in .50 to purchase a turkey feather for our class turkey, multiple feathers can be purchased. The money raised from this event is donated to the Toys for Tots campaign in honor of a fallen marine who was a former Castlio student. Finally, November will end with a short week prior to Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

    Announcements for Week November 4th-8th

It's hard to believe the first week of November is upon us.  This quarter seems to fly by due to the holidays and extra days off. Even with the various times off the students will be engaging in high level rigorous learning.  Each of the grades are deeply involved in research projects that will be used to create presentations utilizing technology and models they will use to demonstrate their learning.  

The students have Spectra this week, 3rd on Tuesday and 2nd on Thursday.  The second graders will be on a Spectra field trip on Thursday from 9:15-3:00.  The students have library on Wednesday and counseling on Friday.  Castlio will be hosting the Fall Carnival 10:00-2:00 on Saturday.  

Check out our class Shutterfly site to see pictures taken at school.